It's my first race back since the marathon. The last few days I have been out on the bike for the first time in months because of the marathon training. A couple of mountain bike excursions and a ride to work and back. The fixed wheel ride in particular has done me the world of good.
Tonight it's the assembly league at the Dome. There's a good turn out from Petts Wood as well, with Richard, Martin, Chris and Mike there. On the way there the car tells me it is 24C.
The usual chaos at the start, and the race is off. We run up and down the riverside. At the far end, by the dome we turn round a post and head back the way we come. We shout encouragement to each other as we run past.
I don't feel like I am flying but I'm not doing too bad. There is slight soreness is the thigh but once again it's not agony. The heat did not feel too bad and running by the river is always nice.
As we run past the Dome, someone is having a BBQ. It make me hungry. As we near the finish I see a lady runner in front of me that I have been following for a long while. I decide to push the pace past her. I can now see the finish with all the faster runners waiting. I then see a younger runner in front of me. I decide to try and sprint past him. I expect him to react but he does not and I power past him to a strong finish.
I wasn't sure I was ready to be racing again, but tonight was good. I forgot the Garmin so I had used my I phone to measure the time / distance.
It is a flat, fast course but a couple of things surprised me. The course was exactly 5km. The organisers had obviously taken the feedback and measured the course. The other was the time, 22:35. It probably took me 10 or so seconds to stop the timer. Given my park run PB is 21:50, and I am a long way from fitness this is most pleasing.
Just need to lose some of that weight I have gained on the Marathon recovery and I should be back to tip-top condition.
Lovely run by the river.
5km 22:35 4:33/km