Sunday 30 September 2012

Long run to Biggin Hill Airport Offroad

I'm not sure if this running Saturday Night Long is for me.  I resolve to get up early and do a long one.  The baby screams the night away so I give myself an extra half-hour in bed.  I then get up and go.

And it is hard.  I feel that the slight cold I had yesterday has developed.  I struggle.  Having quit an early morning run after 5km a few weeks a go,  I can't do it again,  so I get on with it.  Up through Hayes and on to Keston Common.

As I cross the common a group of people stare at me (It is around 6:45am which is unusual)  They watch me run.  Then as I approach Keston Villiage Hall I see people with running numbers.  I ask them what race they are running.
"London to Brighton comes the proud answer"
I'm interested.  It's a little project I have planned for my 40th Birthday in a few years.  (UPDATE: I've just googled the race and it looks like it is run by some barefoot enthusiasts.  Maybe they were admiring my zero-drop vivos?)

As I enter Keston Common again  I see the tail end of a mountain bike group I used to ride with.  I think the last rider recognised me.

I continue upwards to the Wilberforce Oak.  It is a beautiful view down in to the Vale of Keston.  A long downhill is followed by another uphill towards the airport.  I get to the edge of a ploughed field.  I know there is a footpath across having run when it was grass field.  Running in the tire tracks of a tractor is hardwork.

I run up past the airport, up and down some big dips.  I go 5 minutes past the half way and turn back

The pace until now has been slow but finally I do pick up some speed.  Then I fade.  The last few miles on the roads and up Pickhurst Lane is a battle  Eventually I am home and within 30 seconds of my target time of 3 hours.

One more big, big run and I can slow down.  It's crazy really, I could take it easy and enjoy this marathon but I have set a target of breaking the 5 hours I did last time.

23.2km 2:59:31

Friday 28 September 2012

Easy Meander Round Canary Wharf

I planned to go running out the North East of the Canary Wharf estate.  The bridge I was going to run over was closed for Cross Rail work.  Instead I loop around the docks and the Wharf, buzzing around at a gentle pace not really getting anywhere.

A run to get me out of work then any serious form of exercise.

4km 24:00

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Quick Hill Session

I live next to a hill, up to the church.  I have had my eye on it for sometime as a possibility for some hill reps. I was so busy at work that I did not have much hope of getting out for a run.  So once the kids are in bed I decide to do a half hour of hills.

It takes me about 1:15 to run to the top of the hill.  I start of walking and then into a gentle jog on the way back.  I do these for the next half an hour.

The threat of rain is initially there, but then it clears to a starry night.  When I think about it too much the uphills hurt.  When I go with them they are not to bad.

A good workout that pushes me in another way

30 minute hills, around 1:15 to the top of the hill.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Happier Club Times

I was intending to go back and run with the same group as last week.  When I get there it is announced they will be running 8 minute miles.  So roughly translating this will be 7:30 minute/miles with a few bursts at at 7:00 and s*d you, if you have to drop off for some reason

I decide to go with Pete's group instead.  And what a good decision with a good social group.  During the run a few people drop but the group works together and they are catered for.

I start off fine but in the middle start to struggle.  Not quite sure why.  I have still some chest wheezie-ness but it shouldn't be impacting me to much.

Pete says that once we reach the church we can run at our own pace.  I think most of the group will zip away and I can cruise home.  Strangely as we get nearer the church I start to reign people in.  While my "engine" doesn't seem as strong as it should, I feel nimble and my running technical ability is tip-top.  I drop some people and catch-up on others by navigating some street furniture a lot smoother than them.

I really push myself into the finish.  It looks like rather than struggling, I may have just paced myself nicely.

10.5km 56:15

Short run to the tunnel

I watched a program about the tunnel between Wapping and Rotherhithe built by Isambard Kindom Brunel. Today I want to go and see the tunnel.   I workout a reasonable route from Wapping to home.  It's a short furious blast to Wapping from the office.

I push the pace and I'm soon there.  I have had a cold and it makes my chest wheeze.  Hopefully the wheezie-ness will go soon

3.2km 18:00

Saturday 22 September 2012

Long slooooowwwww run

I need to start building my long run up for Beach Head Marathon.  Last week I did 1:50 so tonight I target 2:30.  I head of towards Crystal Palace.  I don't fancy it and dawdle.

The run up through Elmers End to Crystal Palace gets pretty steep.  I trundle up it like a mountain goat.  I was going to run 1:15 out and then come back the same way.  At the top I decide to loop back via Penge and Beckenham.  Which I do, just very slowly.

Despite the slow pace I am still struggling.  In the end it is 10 minute less than last week and a lot slower. Good to get a long run in, but I think I need to put it down to another off day.  It was good to run over such a big hill as Crystal Palace though as I'll need the hill practice.

13.9km 1:42:09

Thursday 20 September 2012

Run home PB

I've been thinking about running home.  When I did the equivalent distance with Rob on the way to work we managed it under 1:15.  This is what I target tonight.

I start off fast, zipping in and out.  Then somewhere on the way to Lewisham reality kicks in and it hurts.  It hurts most of the way back.  I keep pushing though.

As I reach the top of Shortlands High Street I'm surprised to see that the 1:15 is still on.  This motivates me and I push on.  I then realise that the 1:12 may be on.  So the last half a mile I really push.

With about 200m to go I realise I will do it.  I am exhausted, out of breath and very sweaty.  This is probably quicker than the train home.  Couldn't run it at this pace very often though!

It was around 8 minute miles which is my target marathon pace (Brighton, not Beachy Head!)  Though the route home is a lot hillier and I got caught at lots of roads and traffic lights.

14.4km 1:11:50

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Up a group at the club

I hadn't run today or yesterday so was feeling fresh.  I decide to move up a group at the club.
We set of at a fast pace.  We are meant to be running 8:30 minute miles but it is not.  A couple of people drop off the group and go their own way.

I sit at the front holding on.  We run up a long, big, big hill but I manage to hold on.  Then the pace go crazy (7:36/mile according to the Garmin)  I start to drop slightly.  Someone drops off the back.  The group leader isn't even aware who is in his group and is too busy chatting to care.

I decide to drop back and run back with them.  I can only see the pace going even faster at the front.  Me and the other runner find our way back.  I certainly don't know the area well and fortunately the other runner does.

It's a good workout though.  It would be good to be able to move up a group but it's hard to do when they don't run at the pace they say they will and leave runners to get stranded.

11.68km 1:01:01

Sunday 16 September 2012

Bromley and Beckenham Long Run

Last weeks aborted long run hangs over me.  I need a long run but don't feel great.  But I can't wimp out twice in a row.  I originally planned a three hour run.  After chatting with Richard at the club and looking at the schedule to the Beachy Head Marathon that may be a bit premature.

I run up to Bromley, through the High Street, round to Beckenham.  After around one hour I stop and turn back.  It's funny because it is prime-time pub time on a Saturday and I'm out running.  I was expecting a bit more abuse but I think most people are a bit dumb-struck that someone is out running on Saturday night.  It would seems that a Marathon Session on a Saturday night for me these days means a two-hour run.

I am struggling.  I think I have a cold and I can still feel Wednesday's exertions.  I run within a 400m of the house a couple of timed not tempted to quit.  More of a mental than a physical work out.

The average pace just creeps under 7:00/km which even for a Long Slow Run is pretty glacial.  I had stopped after 55:00 expecting the return leg to be slower but when I get back it is almost even splits.

This is the kind of run I am just glad to get in the bag.

16:00km 1:51:00

Wednesday 12 September 2012

IAA 10km

I haven't run a 10km for a couple of years.  I quite like the distance.  I ran a lot more of them during my early running career.

This is a lap of Battersea Park, an extended lap over Chelsea Bridge back over Albert Bridge.  A lap of the park and then a final lap.

I start off easy and everyone speeds off.  After a lap I have fallen into a group of people with a few lady runners.  I follow them over Chelsea Bridge.  Down the Chelsea Embankment it is windy.  I notice that the tide is particularly low.  Over Albert Bridge the surface is kind and springy.  We go back into the park.  I gradually get into my groove.

I pick of the lady runners and soon I am on my last lap.  I dig deep and push hard.  I know the finish is near and I am flying along.   I am being driven by the noisy wheezer behind me.  Finally the finish arrives and I put in a sprint.  The finish comes to soon and probably I could have sprinted earlier.

At the finish I sit down.  The St. Johns ambulance people feel like spare parts and force water on people.  I take the time to look at the watch.  It's a PB but I felt I had run faster.

10km 46:29

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Gently back on it

I took yesterday off to see what would happen with my virus-thingy.  Today I feel better.  I decide to run back from Grove Park.  I am racing a 10km tomorrow (The first for a couple of years) and I think a PB should be achievable.

The run back from Grove Park is pretty uneventful.  Towards the end I tire but that could be due to limited motivation.  I am still a little wheezy, which would bad for the race tomorrow.  Still I feel fresher and the Achilles feels a lot better.

4.5km 25:30

Sunday 9 September 2012

Little Long Run

I set all my kit up the night before.  Sunday morning is going to be a 3 hour long run.  To achieve this, I have to be up very, very early as not to eat to much of the family day up  The alarm clock goes off and I get dressed and get out the door.  It is 5:35am.

I struggle to get going.  I know I'l come right soon.  But I don't and I struggle and struggle and struggle.  The kids have all been sick.  I think I have come down with something, I feel so weak.  I stop in Hayes High Street.  The game is up.  I don't have the energy to run back and so I walk back.  I try to jog a couple of times but can't do it.

Long run aborted.  Let's hope I can fight this off quickly.

Back at home I go straight back to be for a couple of hours despite having gone to bed at 9:30 last night.   My wife says I was snoring like I was drunk during the night.

5km 35:00

Friday 7 September 2012

Run to work with Rob

Rob from the club is running to Canary Wharf from Chislehurst.   I first have to run the 3 miles to the meeting point. I leave plenty of time to get there and have a rest but somehow only end up with a 5 minute rest.

Soon Rob comes along.  We chat away and initially I am fine.  Then I start to suffer.  And suffer and suffer.  I hang on but towards the end I feel Rob has dropped the pace for me.  We get to Greenwich Park but it still looks Olympic Closed so we run round the edge, putting crucial distance on the run

I know Rob had expected to get to Canary Wharf at 8:00am.  I glance at my watch as we arrive.  8:00am on the dot.  My pacemaker has done a good job.  I am now exhausted.

19.2km 1:50

Thursday 6 September 2012

Intervals with Larry and Samuel

I biked to work, but I decide to go and run with the intervals group.  I was planning to go alone.  Both Samuel and Larry ask me if I am running at lunchtime.  They both come with me after I explain I am running intervals.

I like to try and keep my lunch as close to an hour as possible.  I am now worried that we may miss the start as Samuel is a little slower running there.

We do make the start.  John explains the intervals.  All run until the faster has finished a lap.  Stop, 30 seconds recovery and then run back to all finish together. Then 2 laps and 2 laps back.  Then finally 3 laps and 3 laps back.

Samuel drops of the back, but stays to the end.  Larry zooms off on most of the intervals but I think I am probably running a more even pace.

I don't hang around for the warm down jog as we can do this on the way back.  A good session.

Intervals (around 5km)

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Familiar Run

Larry who I work with wants to know if I am going for a run.  I say I am too busy to go for a run, but I'm going anyway.  He agrees and comes with me.

We run the same route that I have done the last couple of lunchtimes; down the East side of the Isle of Dogs.  It is sunny and quiet once more.  After a short while I realise I have not started my watch.  So instead of turning around after 15minutes, I run to the same point as the last two times before turning.

Larry certainly seems to enjoy the run, and I do to.  Back at my desk I glow with runners-high.  Not bad from a stolen lunchtime run.

5km 30:00

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Out with the Club

A bit like Mo Farah I did the 5,000 and 10,000m double today.  In fact I am wearing my Mo Farah Team GB running vest.

I have a backpack on test that I need to pass to Liz.  She was going to be at the running club tonight.  I hammer home on the bike, dunk the kids in the bath and into bed.  It looks like I am going to be able to run tonight

I turn up an see Liz but not with enough time to give her the backpack.  I listen to the groups.  On my day I could run with Ian's faster group.  I could move down to a slower group given that I have already run and biked today.  In the end I go with Pete's group which is meant to be around 8:30min per mile.

It's a lovely evening and we go along steadily through Bickley and into Chislehurst.  We then come to old hill.  The faster half of the group hammer up the hill, they speed off but they seem to blow before the top and I reel them in but don't ever come close to catching them.

On the run back down to Petts Wood the group splits. I am at the back chatting.  I then decide to bridge the gap.  With a little effort I do this.  At this point we are nearing the out of action bridge.  The people at the front lead by Jenny really picks up the pace.  I don't have it in me to go with them so I become a group of one.  Before the return to Willet Rec I have narrowed the gap on Jenny perhaps by running a more even pace.

Despite it being a humid night, it is wonderful to be running in a group.

10km 54:00

Lunchtime with Samuel

I was planning a gentle lunchtime run when Samuel said he was going.  We head off together and do the same route as yesterday.  The weather is as good but it's good to have company.

After 14 and half minutes we reach the same point that I reached yesterday.  We stop for 30 seconds and head back.  Yesterday I had managed to knock a couple of minutes of the return leg.  Today Samuel seems to pick up the pace at the finish but we get bogged down in crowds and it is more of an even split.  

Given that I had biked to work and would be biking back later this was a good effort.

5km 30:00

Monday 3 September 2012

Post Holiday back from Lewisham

Still with Saturday's Long Run tiredness I head home from Lewisham.  The paralympics is inspiring me to run, if only to avoid the crowds.

I get to Lewisham and get on with it.  First it is hard, then I settle into a rhythm.  Down Lewisham High Street and through Beckenham Place Park Woods.

Running through the woods is the best bit.  I skip and jump through the roots without breaking stride.

The big hill through Railway fields is a killer but I get there.  I then run up past Ravensbourne station.  At the end I feel fatigue but not from this run.  I am sweaty but elated.

8km 49:00

Down the East Side of the Isle of Dogs

I've been on holiday for week and very busy at work.  There would be no time for a lunchtime run.  So I go for a lunchtime run.  By myself, I head of round the docks and down the river on the East Side of the Isle of Dogs.

It is beautiful, and the tide is low.  This means the smell is reminiscent of last weeks beach holiday.  The pace is nothing fantastic but my form feels good.  I can still feel Saturday's long run

On the way back, I notice what a beautiful day it is.  Canary Wharf sometimes is a bit quieter than the rest of London because of the lack of traffic there.  It seemed quiet today as I floated along in running bliss.

5km  27:30

With my daughter on her bike

I'm trying to encourage my daughter to ride her bike.  So we went to the park.  We had to drop my wife and other kids off first.  No room for my bike so I decide to run.

I'm still feeling last nights long run effort so I take it easy.  Every so often we have to stop to navigate dogs and other children.  Still it is a good recovery effort

3km 25:00

Saturday 1 September 2012

Saturday Night Biggin Hill Run

The Beachy Head Marathon is looming.  I need to get some longer runs in.  Returning from holiday today, I decide to try and fit a late long run in.   I head for Biggin Hill.

The first third of the run is good.  It is a long slog uphill to Biggin Hill.  I used to ride this route a lot by bike and could do the return leg twice as fast.  I have my light with me I run along the main road where there is street lighting.

As I get to Leaves Green I start to feel it more.  The pace slows.  Still the downhill return leg should be easier.  But it isn't.  I have to really push myself.  In some ways it is the aches and pains of the body that is worse than the effort.  I keep going as I don't really have a choice.

The run up Pickhurst Lane is particularly unpleasant.  Eventually home is in sight and I relax.

The time should really be a negative split but I am 2 minutes slower on the return leg.

This has brought it home to me that I need to get some long miles in before Beachy Head.  Let's hope the Achilles is fine tomorrow.

22.5km 2:32:05.