Sunday, 21 July 2013

Park run training

It's been hot so my wife does not want to do Park Run.  I however have had a few relaxing drinks the night before so am not really tip-top.  I can also still feel Thursday in my legs.  I still go though.

It's not as hot as it has been but definitely still summer.  I decide to cruise the first 3km and then smash the last 2km.  Running the first 3km is fun. At the start people go rushing off.  I know I will be seeing them again soon.  Running within myself is nice compare to the usual race flogging.  Though it is still hot to be running.

I reach the far end of the park and pick up the pace.  I then start to reel in lots of runners in front of me.

In the finishing straight someone tries to outsprint me, but I am having none of it.  The time, considering I took the first 3km easy isn't too bad.

5km 22:15

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