Lots on at home, so I decide to squeeze a run in at lunch time. It's still very cold. I decide to run up to the canals where the Locketts Rockets do their interval training. I decide to go as far as possible in 20 minutes and then back.
After Monday's long run and Tuesday's club run I am feeling tired so I take it at an easy-ish pace. All the way I feel I am running into the wind. As I run down the canal, a very fast looking runner zooms past. It reminds me that there's always going to be faster, much faster people.
I reach 20 minutes, stop for 30 seconds and turn to head back. It is into the wind again.
I reach the office and look at the watch 39'03. Pretty even pace for 20 minutes out and 20 minutes back.
39'03 ~7km
I am mildly jealous that you are so close to the canal from where you are. I would love to run along there at lunchtime but it is just a little too far