Thursday 28 October 2010

Heading North

Fancied a run today at lunch time. It is Autumn after all. Decide to head North from work (near Guildhall). This means up towards Angel Islington. I start off fast, slow down, and speed up again.

I'm reading a book on Social Psychology at the moment (one of my Wife's old text books) In there is explains why you run faster in a group. I can't help thinking I would be running faster if I was running with someone else. Maybe to improve I need to increase the number of times I run with others. The alternative may be to science-up with the Garmin.

Still getting a childish kick out of running fast through crowded places. Running shoes take away your agileness. Minimal footwear makes you want to leap around like a loon.

~30 mins ~5km

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