Saturday 15 January 2011

Back in 'Nam, Becke'nam

The long run didn't happen today. In the end I got to look after my boy whilst wife and daughter went out visiting. If I had known I may have ran park run this morning. Still after yesterday's efforts on the run home, probably good to have a rest.

As a subsitute park run I decide to do 5km this evening. I decide to run from home down Beckenmham High Street for 2.5km and then turn back on the same route.

I start off feeling very sluggish. Surely I am running in fresh concrete, but no I'm just feeling yesterday. Gradually I get going and then start to hit a pretty decent pace.

In Beckenham all the party goers are out and about. I skip in between them with grace (I have the Pirahna's on)

On the way back, as I pass the smokers outside La Rascasse, I'm sure I hear someone shout my name. I am going to fast to stop and see who it is.

There's a couple of lumps to get over on the way back and suddenly at 3.5km I blow. I slow down. All my miles have given me some toughness, so I slow but I keep going.

Eventually at the top of my road I pick the pace up again.

I'm on my January deteox, and with the kids, just don't get out as much as I used to. It was funny being out and about in town with the pub crowd (Even if I was just running)

I am sure I have run park run using less effort and posted faster times. Those lumps of hills must have an effect.

5km 26:21 (5:16/km)

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