Monday 20 December 2010

Snow Long Run

I missed the long run yesterday and so tonight I need to make it up tonight. There's snow on the ground and there is more forecast during the run.

I was going to take the camera. As I leave it feels like rain so I leave it behind. This feels more and more like snow and it starts to settle. Rapidly so.

I get to Pickhurst Park and switch on my bright bike light. I run down through the woods. By now the snow is so heavy that I can only make out one set of other footprints.

I run through Old Hayes and up to Baston. It's then offroad all the way up to the top of Keston Ponds. It is quiet and beautiful. It does not feel cold at all.

I stop at the ponds. They are frozen and covered in snow. You could easily accidentally venture on to them if you did not know they were there. Everything is bright because of the snow. In reality I only need the torch to see my footing.

At the top of Keston and by Wilberforce I stop to take a picture. It has been a slog uphill all the way here. The way back is Downhill.

Straight away I am flying and feel noticeably faster. Halfway back in the woods. I see someone standing in the woods. I panic, before realising it is a tree and a shadow cast by the light. I am now moving quickly, buoyed by the adrenaline. Suddenly I smell burning. It is to cold for anything to be burning. I am freaked out and maintain the pace. Eventually I reach the road and calm down.

The snow changes and becomes little pellets. I run back up through Pickhurst Park. My foot prints are already gone from earlier. At the bottom of Broadoaks Way the snow becomes big chunky flakes blowing in the wind.

I pickup the pace on the final section home. It's been a fantastic run. The snow has limited the pace. Only 10 miles in two hours The important thing is that I have done the two hours on my feet.

2:00 16.2km gorgeous snow.

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