Tuesday 28 August 2012

Magical night beach run

I was down on the beach with the kids this afternoon. Tonight after getting them in bed I run back there in the dark.

I cruise up the hills and then reach the espIanade. It is high tide and there is not much beach. The sea splashes on to the promenade. I see some night sea-fisherman. I run as far as the zoo, stop and turn round. During the day we had not gone west of the pier. Tonight I decide to go and explore. After a while the road stops. The lights along the coast stretch away before coming to a conclusion. I decide to run to the end and back come what may. There is no one around just me, the sea, the cliffs and lots of beach huts.

I run and run and the beach keeps on coming. I'm happy with this but I am risking a serious telling off by Mrs Squirrel who is awaiting my return at the caravan so she can lock the door.

Down the far end I can see car headlights. This means it must not come to a dead end. Eventually it dawns on me. I have looped round to the beach I ran to the other night.

I power up the large hill with ease. The final part back to the caravan is downhill. I pickup speed.

I am back and exhilarated by a beautiful night run by the sea.

1:00 10km

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