Sunday 17 March 2013

Hill Session on the ankle

The first step I took was to take Saturday off.  I hadn't expected to do much because of an expected hangover.  The hangover never did really materialise.  Possibly due to the lack of "decent" beer.  I had spent the night drinking poor weak lager.

So tonight, Sunday I wonder about staying on track with my training.  This is weighed up against giving my ankle more rest.  There's no way I would do a long, long run but instead I decide to do the hill session I normally do on a Friday.

When you have a niggle, you really notice it.  In reality I have lots of achy bits of the body.  Dodgy knees, sore toes the works.  But you tune the noise out.  The ankle probably always hurts.

I get on with the session.  The last few days I have been eating and drinking more than I have for a while.  I feel sluggish.  I look forward to the finish.  I run what I think will be the final rep.  I've run consistent but perhaps a little gingerly.  On the way back down I decide to run another rep.  I like this, it is bold and determined.  I bang it out.

Back home the ankle doesn't feel too bad.  Maybe it's not a problem.  Tomorrow will be an interesting test, a long long run on it.

35 minutes hills, 5 minute warm up and warm down with jog down recovery between reps.

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